Darren Weir


Darren began his career in the financial services industry in 1996 and after holding a number of positions with key financial institutions, and a period running his own business, joined Birchwood in 2007.

Birchwood clients benefit from his commitment to making a positive difference to the financial aspects of their lives by providing transparent, practical financial planning advice and assisting them in making crucial financial decisions.

Darren’s wide-ranging experience includes mortgage advice and long-term care planning and he has particular expertise in investments and pension planning, including advising companies on the Auto-enrolment framework of the Workplace Pension. Darren runs regular seminars on topics such as Personal Taxation, Investments and Pension Planning and another area of his work is advising and assisting clients on key investment decisions upon redundancy and/or early retirement, within a framework shaped by their attitude to risk with the objective of achieving tax-efficient solutions.

Darren has completed the Personal Finance Society’s Level 4 Qualification, achieving the Diploma in Financial Planning (DiP PFS). His other qualifications include the Institute of Financial Services’ (IFS) Certificate for Financial Advisers (CeFA) levels 1, 2 and 3 and the IFS’ Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Planning (CeMAP). He has also gained the ER1 (equity release) component of the Chartered Insurance Institute’s (CII) Certificate in Equity Release. Darren also intends sitting the J10 Discretionary Management exam, which forms part of the CII’s Certificate in Discretionary Investment Management as well as aiming to achieve ‘Chartered Adviser’ status in the next few years.

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Birchwood Investment Management Ltd,
8 Prospect Place, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, AL6 9EN

01438 840888 *

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